“I’ve Got A Little List, I’ve Got A Little List…”

My sister in law, Danielle, who also happens to be one of my very best friends, taught me a new word today: Tsundoku, which is apparently Japanese for “acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one’s home without reading them.” This is completely accurate of my life. It reminded me that I have some reading to do…

(Extra points to whoever knows what the title is quoting… WITHOUT asking the internet!)

I thought I’d share for posterity my list of books I’ve read so far this year, (I love lists!) , the books I’m currently at some point in the midst of, and my TBR pile for the near future (my actual TBR pile of physical books is over eight feet tall now… not including books on my Kobo!) which also includes the remnant of the stack of books I MEANT to finish over the summer. The summer stack was going well, but then a whole whack of my library holds came in at once, a few people lent me books, and I just generally went “SQUIRREL!” and read something else, so most are still on my list. I must say I didn’t read anything I didn’t at least enjoy. Life is too short to finish books I can’t stand, and I’m only listing books I finished anyway, because anything else is cheating!

I had a surprising number of re-reads this year, actually, although it’s like comfort food to me to re-read good books… I must say I just finished Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone via AUDIOBOOK and I enjoyed it even more than I had when reading it on paper the first time around, and I think I remembered more of the story, also. OH and the cover that doesn’t have any text is the Bible… every few years I read through it cover to cover, this was read through #3, and it took almost three years! And for some reason, The Middle Matters and The Next Right Thing are listed twice in the “read” section (they were worth reading twice, but I haven’t yet!)

Without further eloquence (another obscure reference, anyone?)…

1. BOOKS I’M CURRENTLY IN THE MIDST OF READING (Yes, it’s a lot to be reading at once, I like choice, don’t judge…):
• Seamless Bible Study (Angie Smith)
• We Saved You A Seat (Lisa-Jo Baker)
• Saturate (Jeff Vanderstelt) (reading this as a church family!)
• The Fringe Hours (Jessica Turner)
• Love & Freindship (Jane Austen)
• The Wind In The Willows (Kenneth Grahame)
• The Cat Who Went Bananas (Lilian Jackson Braun)
• A Circle of Quiet (Madeleine L’Engle)
• Stretched Too Thin (Jessica Turner)

2. TBR Pile from Summer/For My Reading Challenge For The Rest of the Year
• Paris: A Love Story (Kati Marton)
• Simply Jesus (N. T. Wright)
• Switch On Your Brain (Leaf)
• Told You So (Kristen Heitzmann)
• Jame’s Herriot’s Dog Stories
• The Story Girl (L. M. Montgomery)
• Dining With Joy (Rachel Hauck)
• None Like Him (Jen Wilkin)
• 100 Days to Brave (Annie F. Downs)
• Kilmeny of the Orchard (L. M. Montgomery)
• The Golden Road (L. M. Montgomery)
• Courting Morrow Little (Laura Frantz)
• Start With Your People (Brian Dixon)
• The Bear and the Nightingale (Katherine Arden)
…. plus about a million more!

3. My READ THIS YEAR list so far (the goal is 100 by December 31st)
(This list/reading challenge is also found on Goodreads here….)