Perfectionism Will Drain You… This Podcast Will Fill You Back Up

I can cross this one off the bucket list… actually it wasn’t on my bucket list, but God had other plans. Through one of my fellow hope*writers, Vanessa Luu, asking if any of us struggled and would be willing to discuss our journeys as “recovering perfectionists”, I ended up being a guest on her podcast, You Don’t Have To Be Perfect.

If you’d like to hear us talk about many things pertaining to perfectionist tendencies, and especially how abiding in God helps us refocus off of our fear of being less than perfect and more on how God’s grace catches us when we inevitably fail, here are the links! I’d love to hear feedback on this, or if there’s anything you wished we would have delved into deeper.

2 Replies to “Perfectionism Will Drain You… This Podcast Will Fill You Back Up”

  1. Hi Anna: I thought you were well spoken and laid out your heart and how your brain works quite well. I understood where you were coming from perfectly. And, you did not come across nervous or anything. If you were anxious or nervous using spoken words vs. written words…well, it never showed. Well done Anna! Well done!

    1. Thanks Diane! I so hoped I wouldn’t ‘get in my own way’ by being nervous or stumbling, so that whatever God wanted to say would come out without distraction. It was actually pretty fun!

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