Quick Update: Our Infamy Preceded Us

This is going to be short, but I wanted to quickly update that not only were we the rowdy table again at the wedding, we had been EARMARKED as the rowdy table, and the father of the groom (who also happens to be my boss at the newspaper) and I got chatting at the wedding and he said that it was deliberate so that all the craziness got contained to just one table. Yusssss, we have solidified our reputation as the fun ones. We did have fun.

We took over Inglewood and had appies at Salt & Pepper, then moved on to coffee at Rosso’s, en masse (nothing more intimidating than a group of fifteen plus well dressed 20 and 30 somethings sauntering down the sidewalk.)

At the laid back reception, we possibly hit a few people with corks (possibly our pastor) on purpose (they retaliated in kind), laughed a fair bit, celebrated our wonderful friends who were getting hitched, and the girls even managed to get me on the dance floor (which is a rare occurrence indeed, as when I dance I look like a spider dropped down the back of my dress while I was having a slow seizure. It’s just not visually appealing. Luckily, almost a good 40% of the guests were under the age of 13, so we were at least in good company with our volume and maturity levels.

Also quickly, if you had an issue with the email yesterday having a blank space where a blog post should have been, it has been fixed on the website, no idea what happened, it HAD been there… glitch in the Matrix. More later today or tomorrow, have a great Monday! (It may actually be one of my fave week days, don’t unfollow me…)