Introducing Paper&String

It took over a year to get here. It all started on a drive to Banff with Aly. One podcast. A few books read. A spring of God pruning work from my hands and honing my identity and my focus. A summer plane then road trip. A black barn. A random post catching an author’s eye. An offer “well if you don’t have anyone and you need some help…”

The project I have been in cahoots with Elrena Evans, Lisa-Jo Baker, Christie & Jon Purifoy, and Amy Hinman on for nigh on five months is finally being born, February 1. Paper&String, a care package from the Black Barn at Maplehurst in Pennsylvania. It will be an interactive magazine, basically a hug online. As well, there is an online community subscribers will have access to. If you’d like to know more, click this link to sign up for the mailing list (no obligation to purchase anything, just to get the inside info on how to subscribe if it sounds like something you’d love!)

God’s used this project to bring me fun friends who live sadly far, far away, and to show me how all the threads of this past year were connected. He showed me how he planted desires in my heart for me to pursue. Not selfishly, but with His purposes in mind, that also brought me joy! I can’t wait to see how this grows and how creative we are able to be with it. I was honoured to be asked to write two small pieces for it, and did one or two illustrations, as well as most of the graphic design and layout. (Amy did the amazing hand lettering and most of the illustrations and the logo).

I’m so proud of what God has created through these dear new friends’ vision and can’t wait to see what He does with it…